
Running with Sparkers grows out of my years of study, combined with contemplative reflection on American Christianity and its integration into daily life — or lack thereof. The title originates from a book I've been mulling over in my head for some time.

From time-to-time, there will be posts that incorporate apologetics, biblical study, theology, biblical counseling, and a smattering or two of philosophy.

It isn't intended to always be deeply theological or apologetic in its essence. There are other blogs for that.

I'm a professor at Tri-State Bible College in South Point, Ohio, and am currently a Doctor of Ministry candidate in Apologetics at Southern Evangelical Seminary. Also, I hold a Master of Divinity in Apologetics from Luther Rice College & Seminary, a Master of Arts in Religion (Biblical Studies) from Liberty University, and a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Design from The Ohio State University. Go Bucks!

I've worked in graphic design and advertising, industrial design, publishing (digital and electronic), and even tried my hand at automobile sales. Yep.

These are merely personal thoughts on the subject matter at hand. A bit of religious injury in my mid-20s has led me to this place, so if my perspective is somewhat different than yours, it is what it is.
